9th October 1912.
The Argus, page 15



     ALEXANDRA, Tuesday.—A terrible accident occurred at the mill site of the Rubicon Tramway and Lumber Company, situate in the mountains about 17 miles from Alexandra, on Sunday afternoon, when Harold Cecil Raymond Maudouit, aged 12 years, was run over on the tram line, close to his parents' residence.

     The lad and his father took a load of timber down to the depot, situate about 5½ miles from the mills on Sunday, and returned with a load of chaff and provisions. At about half-past 4 the truck was brought to a standstill opposite the stables, when the horses suddenly started, and, leaving the rail track pulled the truck off the line. The father (Mr Job Maudouit) either slipped or jumped off when the horses started, and thought his son had done the same on the other side of the truck, but on turning round he observed his son's body lying at his feet, the head being decapitated. The cries of the father attracted the mother and children, and a pitiable scene was witnessed.

     Mr. Skinner, the manager of the company, had the body removed to his house and conveyed by truck to the Rubicon Hotel, Thornton, and afterwards to Alexandra, where an inquiry was held to-day before Mr. F. Wheeler, J.P. A verdict of accidental death was recorded.